…and a travel announcement!
“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
But some of us are. L-O-S-T. It’s called our twenties. Our thirties. Our forties. THAT time in our lives. Where are the answers? I believe in the truly transformative nature of travel. Why? Because I’ve lived it. As I navigate my twenties (much more difficult than anyone led me to believe, by the way), I’ve had to question: what makes me really feel alive? What would I do if money and time were no object?
I read once: “I regret that time I spent traveling the world. Said no one. Ever.”
Travel enriches our lives in ways we only understand once we’ve boarded that plane—both coming and going. And no matter how complex my itineraries become, travel always seems to make life, at its core, somehow simpler. Some of the most important lessons of my life I learned while traveling…even more I learned upon returning home. Travel doesn’t promise answers. But if there’s one thing I’m sure of, learning about other people, places, cultures—taking yourself out of your comfort zone and gaining new perspective—this always happens with travel, and this always helps. It certainly doesn’t hurt that it tends to be life-changing.
So, I LIVE to travel. But I also cherish coming and being home. I savor my experiences traveling both during and after. I find that I don’t appreciate either nearly as much without a balance of the other. It’s not part-time because it’s not full-heart…I just left my heart in a couple of different places! Perhaps you’re reading this at this moment because you identify with what I’m writing, or perhaps—you don’t quite yet but you’re yearning to find out for yourself. Thank you for reading…I look forward to connecting with you as we navigate the globe and daily life. Wherever it may take you, just be sure it takes you somewhere!

A giant, Great Wall hug from me to you!
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