Curious what it’s like to study yoga at an ashram in India? Here was my experience.
I spent a week living in a spiritual community in India. There’s a sentence I never expected to utter.
If you read this blog, you know that I practice yoga regularly and that it became a much bigger part of my life after a traumatic experience abroad (when I experienced and truly needed its healing power.) And if you didn’t know? You likely could’ve assumed given that I live in San Francisco (where yoga clothing is the mainstay on the city streets.)
Waking up for sunrise meditation. Chanting in Sanskrit. Sweeping floors to improve my karma. Getting into postures I didn’t know I could do. Over and over I’d ask myself…what in the world am I doing here?!

Wake up bell
Satsang (group meditation, chanting and talk)
First Asana Class (yoga)
Brunch (Indian vegetarian meal)
Karma Yoga (selfless service)
Asana or Meditation Coaching (Optional)
Lecture (talks on various yoga topics)
Second Asana Class
Dinner (Indian vegetarian meal)
Satsang (group meditation, chanting and talk)
Lights out
- Exercise (asana)
- Breathing (pranayama)
- Relaxation (savasana)
- Diet (vegetarian/sattvic)
- Meditation and positive thinking (Vedanta and Dhyana)
- Karma Yoga – the yoga of action
- Bhakti Yoga – the path of devotion
- Raja Yoga – the science of mental control
- Jnana Yoga – the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom

First, what even is yoga? And furthermore, what is an ashram?
Yoga is the joyful participation in both the ups and downs of life.
Yoga is so much more than the postures (asana practice) we’ve come to regard as yoga in the West.
- Waking up early feels good.
- Single-tasking, being disciplined to your commitments (without excuses!,) and truly being present with one activity at a time…feels good.
- Having a daily routine that gets you into motion and stays fairly consistent feels good.
- Being disconnected from the Internet, media and the news, and notifications feels good.
- Not being the slightest bit concerned with your appearance, as you practice focusing on the inner, feels good.
(Are you sensing a theme here?)

A housing building at the ashram.
- What you eat affects how you feel…(a seemingly simple concept that finally clicked for me here. I have an iron stomach, and I truly can eat and drink whatever I want. I’ve experienced food making me feel worse, but I didn’t realize I could feel so much better!)
- Foods have different energies, and food that is reheated, old but not spoiled, overcooked etc. loses its vital energy even when edible. Eating seasonally, locally, organically, and freshly prepared foods increases not only its nutrition but the positive energy your body absorbs.
- Eating only sattvic foods and eliminating meat, caffeine, alcohol, and even garlic and onion…all serves to enhance clarity of the mind (it may not be fully realistic, but it works.)
- The act of creating, offering, and sharing food can be a spiritual experience. As I was in Kerala, the birthplace of Ayurveda (the sister science of yoga and an ancient Indian healing practice,) this was well-ingrained into meals and principles of food.
- Eating in silence allows us to show reverence for food and the way it nourishes our bodies, as well as practice mindful eating and being very aware of what we put in our bodies.
- Eating with your hands (with some time and practice) feels good! You feel more connected to the food (really!)

The journey within is in so many ways more difficult than moving externally through India with all its fascinating stimulation and guaranteed assault on the senses. No matter how intimating travel in India may seem, the silence, simplicity, and solitude of sitting still in an ashram I believe is much harder to go through, especially in today’s changing world.
Some parting words
Would you ever consider staying in an ashram anywhere? Including India?
More Sri Lanka and India stories to come, and many more posts to come on the blog. Updates to follow <3
Back in the 60s, I was first learning about yoga and Indian spirituality along with much of Europe for the very first time. I stopped practising for a short period of time in the 80s (a sad decade yes) but I am being glad this practice has once again gained recognition.
Yes, it was fascinating learning about how yoga was initially introduced to the West. There were some interesting stories shared about this particular teacher’s first visit to San Francisco!
I love this. I certainly felt I was coming along your journey with you
Thank you for your comment; it means a lot. That is my ever-constant goal as a travel writer — to bring you along with me 🙂 It makes me happy to know I succeeded here, because this was a challenging experience to put into words.
Sending you love and light!
Love this! You are a great story teller…so authentic. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with me, Stacey
Means a lot coming from the wise writer woman you are! So appreciate your kind words. Much love!
Loved hearing about your experiences! I’m going on a yoga teacher training soon and although it’s not the same as an ashram there will be very long days of yoga, meditation and early rising as well as detoxing foods. I feel reading this helped prepare me for that journey.
Thank you, Vibeke! I am looking forward to hearing more about your teacher training…it’s definitely something I now want to do eventually. Glad this helped prep you…just remember to surrender to the process 🙂
What a beautifully detailed account of your experience! I loved reading this, Anne, and I am so happy for you that you had this incredible experience. WOW! Yes, it makes me want to visit India even more… Thank you for sharing every detail!
Thank you for reading, Pat! I believe India will resonate deeply with you whenever you are destined to go there. <3
Beautifully written as usual, Anne. Thank you for sharing this experience with us through your gift with words. Can’t wait to see what you write about next.
Hi! What was the name of the ashram you stayed at? 🙂
Hello! It is the Sivananda ashram in Kerala, Neyyar Dam specifically 🙂 I highly recommend it! (Although it is a grueling schedule and basic accommodation, but that’s kind of the point :)) Hope this helps!
This is so cool Anne! Yoga has become a big part of my life and it’s awesome to read about it becoming a big part of yours too. I also walked out of my first class (rude!) at the UCLA Rec center, not knowing what it was all about. Love you beautiful!
Thank you for the lovely comment, Sarah! So glad to have connected with you on our mutual love of yoga 🙂 sending lots of love your way!
Hi Anne,
I just finished reading your article and your experience sounds amazing. You have a great style of writing and this piece made me enthusiastic to start my own ‘Ashram journey’ very soon.
I am still researching into which Ashram to stay at in the south of India. Yours seems very peaceful and the schedule looks interesting.
Which programme/course did you follow?
Hello Fleur,
Thank you for reading and for the lovely comment. I am so glad to hear you’re about to embark on an ashram journey.
Because I did not have the time to do the teacher training, I followed the ‘yoga vacation’ which essentially means you can stay as long as you want but a minimum of 3 days is required. I recommend staying at least a week so you can get into the groove of the schedule, (though two is more ideal!)
I remember being scared to commit to that much time, but in the end I wish I had stayed longer if for no other reason than to more deeply experience the benefits. It’s a unique and important journey within, and I know that you will benefit no matter how much time you are able to spend there.
All the best!